EBA-Consulting provides professional consulting services and advice to improve business processes or specific projects of your company. Consulting is an essential service in the processes of analysis, improvement and efficiency of any entity that seeks to change for improvement and to achieve its goals powerfully, wasting less resources and providing a higher quality service.

The consulting service offered by EBA-Consulting is a full service, because our diagnostic carefully evaluate your problems and allows us to assign specialists according to the needs adapted to the solution in areas such as:

  • People Training (leadership, multiculturalism, teamwork, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, achievement of objectives) in company and online -MOOC-.
  • Strategy (organizational culture, innovation, productivity).
  • Labour relations (individual and collective)
  • Business management (risk analysis, strategic analysis).
  • International trade transactions (imports, exports).
  • Marketing and social networks (corporate communications, marketing on line and social networks’ management).

In EBA-Consulting we support your company in order to increase recognition and operate efficiently and safely. We provide our customers an unparalleled service.

For further information please send us a message in our Contact page or contact us by the phone or email.